Danny Poritz
Meet Danny Poritz, one of the winners of Hack Over Passover! Check out his team’s idea that uses Amazon Alexa to figure out the best way by Uber or Lyft to get places.
At Hack Over Passover, you had to answer the question: “How can we best capture community stories and share our collective memories using technology?” …What’s a good story of a community you care about?
I have a friend who runs to raise money for Yachad, an organization that serves individuals with special needs. It’s inspiring to see his dedication to a cause, especially because I have a brother who is himself special needs.
Good St. is about making giving a part of our daily routines… What is a quirky daily routine of yours?
I like to read books on self-improvement before I go to bed.
What’s one GOOD change you’d like to see in the world?
People being more open and less judgmental.
What is a cause or organization you’re particularly passionate about?
I’m really passionate about improving my school’s computer science department.
Rapid Fire Good:
Good quote?
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein
Good gift?
Good place to visit?
Space Needle
Good word?
Good food?
Ice cream (Mint Chocolate Cookie from Ben and Jerry’s)