Good to Get Out: Opportunities to Volunteer and Do Good
- Classical Music Month starts today, and that’s good news because listening to these sweet melodies is proven to increase your brainpower! Even more good news: here’s a playlist to get you started.
- We think you’re pretty Good already…but we’ll still let you know that it’s Self Improvement Month! Got any tips for us? For #Streeters? Do tell.
- Make your brunching less #basic and capture the moment on GiftAMeal to make some big impact! Take a shot of your food, and you just donated a meal to your local food bank.
- Fashion Week, a time for celebrities, trends…and doing good! Join in the celebrations by donating clothing to your local Salvation Army to spread the good vibes!
- Bend it like Beckham with Seeds in the Middle! On Saturday, September 10 and/or Sunday, September 11, you’ll teach kids some fancy footwork and play soccer like in the good old days.
- Calling all bookworms! Join Volunteer New York!’s book drive beginning Wednesday, September 7. BYO bookmarks.
- Are you team Marine Park or Team Riverside Park — or both?
The NYC Parks Stewardship Program could use your help on Friday, September 16 in tending to the Marine Park Trail. You could also team up with Riverside Park Conservancy on Saturday, September 17th in their International Coastal Cleanup!
- Feed those in need on Saturday, September 3 with Excelsior Community Food Pantry!
- How to make sure summer never ends:
Step 1: Rockaway Beach Cleanup on Saturday, September 3
Step 2: Beach Cleanup at Coyote Point Park on Saturday, September 17 - Put the ‘art’ in heart with ArtSpan on Sunday, September 11 and facilitate some good ol’ arts & crafts for locals in need!
- Calling all bookworms! Volunteer as a reading partner for a local kid in need of a mentor. Get ready for the good reads, good people and good times, all season long.
- Provide Food for the Soul for people in need with Footprints Around The World on Thursday, September 22.
- Play an instrument? Carry a tune? Become a Music Therapy Volunteer with Premium Hospice and brighten people’s days with the magic of music!
- Fight hunger in Boston with these 2 Good organizations:
Join St Francis House on Sunday, September 4 in serving lunch to homeless!
Serve lunch to those in need at Women’s Lunch Place on Saturday, September 24! - Give your all at the Giving Factory on Tuesday, September 13 — volunteer at Cradles To Crayons Giving Factory to provide necessities for kids in need!
- Your volunteering is worth more than 1,000 words — volunteer at the More Than Words Book Sorting to spread good in the form of books and good cheer on Saturday, September 17.