Yoni Cooper
We chatted with Yoni — a Streeter, UPenn student studying Electrical Engineering, acapella singer, and division head at Ramah Day Camp!
How’d you discover Good St.?
Two years ago, I met a good friend named Kevin during my gap year at Orayta in Israel. He was on Good St. and spread the word, and I thought it sounded like a great opportunity.
Good St. is about making giving a part of your daily routine… What is a quirky daily routine of yours?
When I wake up, I like to keep my phone on airplane mode and delay checking social media and e-mail as long as possible, usually until 9 or 10 in the morning.
What’s one Good change you’d like to see in the world?
I would love to see equal access to higher quality education for everybody in the world.
What is a cause or organization you’re particularly passionate about?
I’m passionate about homelessness. Having a home is a basic necessity that everyone in the world deserves. Beyond that, homelessness is an issue that we are all capable of tackling. I think it’s important that we never forget the enormous impact that conversations, personal connections, and also small donations can have.
On Good St. we believe that small change (like our quarters) can lead to big change… can you think of a particular experience in your life that you believe changed you, whether in a big or small way?
At the beginning of my freshman year at UPenn, I was encouraged by two friends to try out for an acapella group called the Shabbatones. I was nervous, but I tried out, got in, and have now been doing it for two years. Joining the Shabbatones has allowed me to leave my comfort zone, meet people I otherwise never would have met, and develop new skills.
If Brandon from Humans of New York (HONY) came up to you right now and asked you for your story, what would you say?
If he asked me for my story, I would have no idea. I would probably say “Join Good Street!” and I would show him the Good St. sticker on my phone.
What if he asked you, “What’s the most rewarding thing about what you do right now?”
This summer, I’m a division head at Ramah Day Camp in Nyack, where I oversee over 70 five-year-old children. I love kids and am amazed by their imagination and creativity. I will always appreciate the impact I can have on their development as I help them grow.
Rapid Fire Good:
Good quote?
“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.”
Good musician/song?
Stevie Wonder, but my favorite song is by an Israeli artist and it’s called Mima’aimakim. It means “out of the depths.”
Good gift?
Besides the gift of giving? I like personal gifts, and if someone gave me a gift, I would like to travel.
Good place to visit?
Northern Israel
Good word?
Thank you. Or Thanks. I think gratitude goes a long way.
Good show?
The West Wing
Good food?
Ice cream!